Adopt-A-Honey Bee Hive and be a Honey Bee Hero at Lachat Town Farm!

The Buzz in The Beeyard… Welcome Spring and Beekeeping Season!
Spring 2025
Adopt-A-Honey Bee Hive and be a Honey Bee Hero at Lachat Town Farm!
Spring in The Beeyard at Lachat Town Farm means that the focus is on checking the honey bee hives and preparing for beekeeping season.
Soon Earth Day (April 22) and World Bee Day (May 20) will focus our attention on the importance of bees in our environment. The dramatic drop in the population of many species of bees has increasingly been of concern because of the important role they play as pollinators. Without bees, many of the world’s most important crops would fail and affect the food supply for human and other species.
You can participate during this 2025 Beekeeping Season to help protect honey bees by adopting a honey bee hive at The Beeyard at Lachat Town Farm.
The farm’s three beautiful honey bee hives are important to our farm agricultural environment and Bee Friends education programs. They are in need of your support!
Supporting a hive will help provide supplies for the hives and services to maintain the health of our honey bees. We welcome the farm’s NEW Beekeeper, Ryan Griffith who provides beekeeping services and educational hive observations.
Our honey bees are an integral educational tool and important to all that flowers at the farm. Bee Friends programs provide fascinating and fun opportunities for children and adults to observe and learn about the wonderful world of honey bees. Honey bees are an amazing example of hard work, dedication and collaborative spirit!
Adopt-A-Honey Bee Hive and be a Honey Bee Hero!
There are just six opportunities to be a “Honey Bee Hero” and adopt a honey bee hive (two donors/donor families per hive). An annual donation of $250 will support the adoption of a honey bee hive at The Beeyard at Lachat Town Farm.
“Honey Bee Heros” will receive:
- An official certificate of adoption and thank you
- A hive observation in gear with the beekeeper (day and time to be arranged)
- Printed framed photo at the honey bee hives with the beekeeper
- Personalized hive box for donors - hive box and painting supplies provided
- Honey tasting session (during a hive observation)
- Special gift package with honey bee related gifts
Adoptions may be made in your own name/family name, or you may designate another person/family to receive a gift adoption along with all the program benefits. Adopting a honey bee hive for a child is a great lesson in sustainability for the next generation!