Free Class: Putting the Fall Garden to Bed

with Alice Ely

October 8, 2024 - 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

What is the best way to clean up your backyard in the Fall? More important, what is the best way to clean up your backyard for pollinators that take refuge there over the winter?

Join advanced master gardener and master composter, Alice Ely, who will share tips on what to cut down and what to leave, how to properly recycle and compost the last greens as the garden prepares for its long winter nap. Learn how you can ensure a healthy and beautiful yard and garden buzzing with life come springtime.

About the Presenter: Alice Ely is a UConn Advanced Master Gardener & Master Composter and creator of multiple public and private butterfly habitats in Fairfield County. She promotes native plants through the Pollinator Pathway, and she teaches sustainable gardening throughout Fairfield County. Alice raises Monarch butterflies as a hobby, and she serves as Monarch Watch's conservation specialist for the Northeast. When she’s not out playing in her own garden, she coaches homeowners in how to do the same, through her business, Garden With Alice.

This program is offered at no charge to the community, thanks to donations supporting educational programming. However, due to limited space, pre-registration is required.