Free Class: Seed Collection Workshop

Seed Hunting Safari with Sefra Alexandra

October 27, 2024 - 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Join us on a seed hunting safari with Sefra Alexandra - The Seed Huntress! Together we will collect seeds from native plants at the farm as we learn about ecotypes: the heirlooms of the pollinators! Learn about the importance of these “truly local” species for supporting our pollinating allies during this ‘walkshop,’ and how collecting seeds helps us to build SeedSheds that promote the long term success of these species. We’ll also learn about planting the right plants in the right place for maximum ease and impact.

About the Presenter: Sefra Alexandra, The Seed Huntress, leads The Ecotype Project - to amplify the amount of truly local native seed available for ecological restoration, creating the first ecoregional seed supply chain in the Northeast, USA. She is on the steering committee for the newly formed Northeast Seed Network and the Northeast Bioregional Education Coordinator for the Ecological Health Network. In 2020 she began where she guides ‘backyard expeditions’ that are paddlin’ for the pollinators, planting native plants by boat along riparian corridors. The Seed Huntress- is an endurance race ethnobotanist on a perennial hunt to preserve the biodiversity of our wild and cultivated lands through seed conservation.

This program will take place mostly outdoors, so please dress for the weather and for navigating the farm! Registration is offered at no charge to the community, thanks to donations supporting educational programming. However, due to limited space, pre-registration is required.